

We develop high-performance systems, compatible with the wide variety of mobile devices on the market, in addition to easy access anywhere and greater security with cloud architecture.
Modernization of legacy systems

The world of technology advances fast, and being left behind can mean the end of your business, keeping up to date is more than necessary and we at SGDev can help your company with that. We can analyze your systems and offer solutions for the modernization of your applications, so that your company does not fall behind.

custom systems

No matter your problem, we at SGDev have the solution. Applications created exclusively for you and your company, complete applications from the web to mobile applications, here your idea becomes reality.


We know that users access the internet from different devices, large, medium and small, and so that they do not encounter any problems when browsing your website, our team will make it completely responsive, and can be accessed from any device.

development cycle

Our team will analyze your idea, as well as your company's needs and which problems you intend to solve so that we can arrive at a better planning and development of your project.

cloud systems

With the Cloud it is no longer necessary to spend resources maintaining a structure within your company, with the cloud it is possible to keep your systems safe, with easy access and low cost anywhere in the world.


We know that every great idea can be made even better with a few modifications, so we use a build system that allows you to easily add and/or remove some functionality, making your application highly scalable.


development methodology

Control, flexibility and quality

We have a methodology that from the initial stage has a total focus on customer satisfaction. The first step is one of the most important and probably one of the most difficult, since putting an idea out is not always as simple as it seems, but if you feel lost when explaining your ideas, don't worry, because here we will help you to express better and who knows how to improve your initial idea. Throughout the entire process we will be in touch and willing to listen and make necessary changes so that your idea becomes a reality in the way you envisioned.